„Thanksgiving” – concurs de public speaking, la Facultatea de Limbi și Literaturi Străine

  • 27 noiembrie, ora 13:00 – thanksgiving (concurs de public speaking).Catedra Filologie Engleză, din cadrul FLLS, UPSC,  invităm   cu mare drag Studenții UPSC să participați la concurs oratoric Public Speaking Contest  ” What are we thankful for …”  – 27 noiembrie, ora 13:00, bloc 1, sala 302, Centrul American UPSC.

  • Vom încheia seria de evenimente cu un concurs inspirat de tradițiile de recunoștință specifice sărbătorii Thanksgiving Day.

  • Veți împărtăși cu noi ce înseamnă recunoștința și pentru ce sunteți recunoscători în viața voastră.

Formular de înregistrare: https://forms.gle/r7mqAe2E2yWzpMWf9  

  • Public Speaking Contest Requirements
    Topic: What I Am Grateful For
    Speech Duration: 5 minutes

  • Guidelines:
    1. Content:
    o The speech should focus on personal reflections, experiences, and values related to
    o It should convey a clear and compelling message, showcasing creativity and originality.

  • 2. Structure:
    o Introduction: Begin with an attention-grabbing opening to set the tone.
    o Body: Develop your main points with personal stories, examples, or insights.
    o Conclusion: End with a memorable closing statement or call to action.

  • 3. Delivery:
    o Speeches must be delivered from memory or with minimal reliance on notes.
    o Use expressive voice modulation, eye contact, gestures, and confident body language.

  • 4. Timing:
    o Speeches must last between 4:30 and 5:30 minutes. Points will be deducted for exceeding
    or falling short of this time frame.
    5. Language:
    o Speeches must be in English. Ensure proper grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary.

    Evaluation Criteria:
     Content and Originality: 40%
     Delivery and Presentation Skills: 30%
     Structure and Organization: 20%
     Time Management: 10% .                          
