- 27 noiembrie, ora 13:00 – thanksgiving (concurs de public speaking).Catedra Filologie Engleză, din cadrul FLLS, UPSC, invităm cu mare drag Studenții UPSC să participați la concurs oratoric Public Speaking Contest ” What are we thankful for …” – 27 noiembrie, ora 13:00, bloc 1, sala 302, Centrul American UPSC.
Vom încheia seria de evenimente cu un concurs inspirat de tradițiile de recunoștință specifice sărbătorii Thanksgiving Day.
Veți împărtăși cu noi ce înseamnă recunoștința și pentru ce sunteți recunoscători în viața voastră.
Formular de înregistrare: https://forms.gle/r7mqAe2E2yWzpMWf9
- Public Speaking Contest Requirements
Topic: What I Am Grateful For
Speech Duration: 5 minutes
1. Content:
o The speech should focus on personal reflections, experiences, and values related to
o It should convey a clear and compelling message, showcasing creativity and originality.
2. Structure:
o Introduction: Begin with an attention-grabbing opening to set the tone.
o Body: Develop your main points with personal stories, examples, or insights.
o Conclusion: End with a memorable closing statement or call to action.
3. Delivery:
o Speeches must be delivered from memory or with minimal reliance on notes.
o Use expressive voice modulation, eye contact, gestures, and confident body language.
4. Timing:
o Speeches must last between 4:30 and 5:30 minutes. Points will be deducted for exceeding
or falling short of this time frame.
5. Language:
o Speeches must be in English. Ensure proper grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary.
Evaluation Criteria:
Content and Originality: 40%
Delivery and Presentation Skills: 30%
Structure and Organization: 20%
Time Management: 10% .