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Historical Background

The “ION CREANGĂ” State Pedagogical University of Chisinau was established according to the Decision of the Government of the Republic of Moldova on August 16, 1940, with the initial name of the Moldavian State Pedagogical Institute, which in 1955 was renamed the “ION CREANGĂ” State Pedagogical Institute of Chisinau. In 1992, based on the Decision of the Government of the Republic of Moldova no. 330 of May 21 “Regarding the reorganization of the university education system”, the Institute is reorganized into the State Pedagogical University “ION CREANGĂ” of Chisinau.

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education of July 20, 1946, the postgraduate course was formed in addition to the Institute, which trained specialists in the field of philology, history, mathematics, physics, botany, etc.

In 1948, the training of English and French language specialists began in the Institute. In connection with the need to train physical culture pedagogues, in 1949 the Faculty of Physical Culture was opened. In the year of formation, the Institute had five faculties: History and Philology, Physics, Mathematics, Biology, Geography.

In July 1941 the Institute was evacuated to the city of Cikalov, and in 1944 it returned to the Republic with a contingent of 160 students and 20 teachers. The study process began on December 1, 1944, with 458 students. The teaching staff of the Institute was made up of experienced staff, scholars arrived from university centers in Iași, Moscow, Bucharest, Rome, Kiev, Warsaw, Leningrad, etc.

Despite all the difficulties of the first post-war period of restoring the national economy, already in the academic year 1950-1951 at the seven faculties – Philology, History, Physics and Mathematics, Biology, Geography, Modern Languages ​​and Physical Culture – 2368 students were studying and employed 99 teachers, including 24 with a scientific title.

Following the reorganizations in higher education, in the mid-50s, the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​was transferred to the Pedagogical Institute in Balti, and the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Geography – to the Pedagogical Institute in Tiraspol.

In 1960 the Institute was abolished and united with the State University. As a result of this measure, the material base of the Institute, with its three faculties – History, Philology, Physics and Mathematics, Physical Culture – was transferred to the State University, and the section of primary classes – to the State Pedagogical Institute of Balti.

In connection with the increase in the need for pedagogues with higher education, the Soviet of Ministers of the R.S.S.M., on May 9, 1967, adopted the Decision on the restoration of the Institute, in the composition of three faculties: Physics and Mathematics, Philology, Physical Culture.

In 1970, the Defectology specialty was opened, on the basis of which, in 1973, the Faculty of Defectology was formed, which currently operates under the name of the Faculty of Psychology and Special Psychopedagogy. Also at the beginning of the 70s, the preparation for the specialty History and Pedagogy began, on the basis of which the Faculty of History and Ethnopedagogy was formed and currently operates.

In 1975, in addition to the Institute, the Faculty for the Improvement of Leaders in the Pre-University Education System was opened, which is still active today.

At the beginning of the 80s, the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics was reshaped into the current Faculty of Fine Arts and Design. On September 1, 1985, the Faculty of Pedagogy began its activity, for the training of pedagogues for primary classes and educators for preschool institutions.

In 1993, he restarted the training of teachers at the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​and Literatures, which currently has over 1000 students in English, German, French and Italian.

Today, the “ION CREANGĂ” State Pedagogical University of Chisinau gathers 8 faculties. During the last ten years of activity, the University has considerably broadened its profile of school teacher training, the nomenclature of specialties has been renewed and the education plans have been revised. The University’s faculties prepare teachers for over 130 study programs. The university has highly qualified teaching and scientific staff.

It is significant that the University turned into a training center for university scientific-didactic staff by organizing postgraduate studies, with the reopening in 1993 of the University’s Doctoral Section. Currently, 152 people are studying for a master’s degree and 110 specialists for a doctorate, in history, pedagogy, psychology, philology, particular methods.

The student clubs Tânărul Etnograf, Juventus, Association of Psychological Students from Moldova and Association of Young Historians are active in the university. In recent years, UPSC has been carrying out extensive work on the implementation of the Bologna Process. Between 2003 and 2006, the European Transferable Credit System was implemented in the University, which will facilitate the mobility of students and teachers and the possibility to participate more actively in various European and international academic projects and programs. Also in this context, starting with the 2005 academic year, the new study plans were developed and approved.

The “Ion Creangă” State Pedagogical University of Chisinau has six study blocks and seven dormitories for students, a library, six reading rooms, computer rooms connected to the Internet and a Polygraphic Editorial Center. The university was accredited by the Decision of the Government of the Republic of Moldova no. 559 of May 7, 2002, Accreditation Certificate no. 009. Based on the decision of the College of the Ministry of Education and Youth no. 4.2.1. from 29.08.2008 the university was accredited repeatedly. Accreditation certificate, AU series no. 000132.

Currently, at the 26 departments of the University, 21 university professors, 16 qualified doctors, 128 doctors of science, 106 university lecturers are active. More than 6,000 students study at the University’s faculties. UPSC has trained more than 32 thousand teachers with higher education. More than 100 graduates of the University were mentioned with the title of “Emeritus Teacher of the Republic”. The contribution of the State Pedagogical University “ION CREANGĂ” of Chisinau is invaluable not only in terms of the training of teachers of various specialties; university graduates are scientists and culture, politicians, writers, world-renowned scholars, outstanding personalities.

The pride of the University are: academics Boris Melnic, Boris Mateenco, Petru Soltan, Haralambie Corbu; writers Grigore Vieru, Spiridon Vangheli, Vasile Vasilache, Victor Teleuca, Gheorghe Voda, Andrei Strâmbeanu, Ion Hadârcă etс.

Parallel to the training activity, the University also carries out a vast scientific activity. During the last years of studies, scientific collaboration relationships were established with a number of university centers abroad: with the universities of Bucharest, Iasi, Cluj-Napoca, Constanta, Galați, Dusseldorf (Germany), Montana (USA), Velico- Tirnova (Sofia), Ankara and with other universities from England, Holland, Russia; Portugal, Italy, etc.

The relations with the nominated universities allow us to carry out the permanent exchange of students, the training of teaching staff, the joint preparation and editing of scientific works and mutual documentation in archives and libraries.

Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat „ION CREANGĂ” din Chișinău

80 years since the founding (1940 - 2020)