

  • DOCTOR HONORIS CAUSA of UPSC (DHC) is awarded to well-known personalities outside the University, recognized at national and international level, who stood out for excellent results in academic activity, who contributed to the development of science, culture and brought honor to the field on who represents him. 
  • UPSC HONORARY PROFESSOR (HONORARY PROFESSOR – PH) is awarded to prestigious teachers from outside the institution, who have contributed to the development of didactic and research activities within UPSC, as well as to the establishment of important partnerships and collaborations with higher education institutions or research from abroad. 
  • HONORARY MEMBER OF THE UPSC SENATE (Membrum Senatum Honorifici – MSH) is awarded to personalities outside the university, who, through their activity, have contributed to the fulfillment of the university’s mission, to the establishment and development of cooperation with prestigious partners from the academic, social, cultural environment , economic. Candidates for this title must participate, within the available time, in the regular meetings of the UPSC Senate, in the consultative activities of the UPSC Senate Committees. 
  • PROFESSOR EMERITUS (PROFESSOR EMERITUS – PE) is awarded upon reaching the retirement age to the scientific and didactic staff within the university, who have distinguished themselves by outstanding results in academic activity, scientific research, artistic creation, as well as by relevant actions of promotion of the institution nationally and internationally. The title is granted for life and does not necessarily imply the establishment of contractual relations with the University. 


  • THE “ION CREANGĂ” MEDAL is a public corporate faleristic insignia, which is awarded to employees, students and graduates of the University, other notorious personalities in the country and abroad as a sign of gratitude and appreciation of special merits in the educational, scientific, artistic or other areas of public life, which contributed through their activity to increasing the image and visibility of the University in the academic environment and in society. The “Ion Creangă” medal is accompanied by a patent and benefits from legal protection in accordance with the normative acts in force. 

As a sign of high appreciation and motivation of the employed staff, the Rector of UPSC can award diplomas for prodigious activity in various fields, for the promotion of institutional values ​​and image, etc. 

  • THE HONORARY DIPLOMA is awarded to elite graduates of UPSC, later confirmed by achievements of excellence in the field of activity, who have contributed to promoting the name and image of the institution in the academic, cultural and social environment. 
  • THE DIPLOMA OF EXCELLENCE is awarded to teaching and scientific staff who stand out through innovative research in the field of professional training, through exceptional academic activities, through the promotion of the institution’s values ​​and image at national and international level, as well as on the occasion of representative events (e.g. ., International Day of Education, International Day of Science for Peace and Development, etc.). 
  • THE DIPLOMA OF MERIT is awarded to teaching and scientific staff who stand out through excellent results recorded in teaching activity or in scientific research in the current year of activity, as well as on the occasion of representative events (e.g., the International Day of Education, the International Day of Science for Peace and Development, etc.). 
  • THE DIPLOMA OF GRATITUDE is awarded to UPSC staff on the occasion of jubilees (50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, etc. years), as a sign of appreciation for the contribution made to the development of the institution. 
  • DIPLOMA OF APPRECIATION is awarded to auxiliary staff upon reaching retirement age.