Scientific Library

Reopened in August 1967, “Ion Creangă” SPU Scientific Library is an integrated part of “Ion Creangă” State Pedagogical University, which assures with informational resources the educational process, research and continuous development. The evolution of Library’s activity was determined by the structure and the activity of the tutorial institution: opening, closing or reorganizing some faculties, changes in the analytic programmes of the main and optional courses, shifting to other structures, opening and reorganizing reading halls and loan points.

The mission of Scientific library consists in providing information on educational process, research and continuous development through enriching and updating collections, amplifying access to informational resources, services and products, granting facilities for information and reading, building users’ information culture.

“Ion Creangă” SPU Scientific library is Department Library Center for the libraries of general, postsecondary technical professional and postsecondary non-tertiary pedagogical educational (Central and South areas) and member of the National System of Libraries from Moldova. “Ion Creangă” SPU Scientific Library is a ERM Consortium member (Electronic Resources for Moldova), and participates in international projects: Tempus MISISQ: “Modernization of Informational Services for the Improvement of Studies Quality” (2013-2016), “Modernization of Moldovan University Libraries Services” (03/2016-10/2019), in partnership with Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, University of Bergen, Norway, “Transilvania” University of Brașov, Romania and 18 university libraries from the Republic of Moldova. The Library promotes the values of European libraryship through the diversification and modernization of informational services, creating a unique informational space for researchers.

The fulfilment of the objectives of “Modernization of Informational Services for the Improvement of Studies Quality” project allowed the modernization of the informational infrastructure, establishing the institution digital archive with open access to information, implementation of new services for the university community and extension of the course Informational Culture within University Library.

The library infrastructure is equipped with an informational product – PRIMO platform. The electronic catalogues of seven partner libraries from the project are registered in Primo. The Electronic Library functions within University Library; it provides a collection of diverse documents in digital format: texts, visual materials, audio and video, stored in electronic format and imposing specific consultation conditions. The visibility enhancement of “Ion Creangă” SPU was carried out through the recording of University staff works within the Digital Institutional Repository. “Ion Creangă” State Pedagogical University Institutional Repository represents an open, cumulative electronic archive, managed by the Scientific Library with the purpose of accumulation, storage, preservation and dissemination of University scientific production.

As a Department Library Center for the libraries of general, postsecondary technical professional and non-tertiary, post-secondary pedagogical educational institutions (Central and South areas), starting with 2005, “Ion Creangă” State Pedagogical University Scientific Library offers methodological assistance referring to the activity of school libraries from Central and South areas; organizes practical guidance actions in the network; collects, analyses and disseminates statistic data referring to school libraries activity; ensures the implementation of national and international standards, the functionality of regulating framework, the improvement of technological processes specific to the activity of the libraries from the network.