Admission 2022 – First Cycle Degree (Bachelor Programmes)

The application file of the candidate for admission will include the following documents:

  1. online registration form or application form;
  2. original identity card and 2 copies;
  3. the study document with the annex, in original and 2 copies;
  4. 4 photos (color) 3 × 4 cm.

The competition for admission to undergraduate studies, cycle I, will be conducted based on the following methods, approved by the University Senate:

  • for the holders of the baccalaureate diploma: MC = 0.4 MEA + 0.6 MAS

MC – grade point average of the competition; MEA – overall grade point average of baccalaureate exams; MAS – general grade point average of high school years.

  • for holders of general education certificates: MC = 1.0 MAS

MC – grade point average of the competition; MAS – grade point average of the grades in the  school certificate.

  • for holders of professional / higher education: MC = 0.4 MEA + 0.6 MAS

MC – grade point average of the competition; MEA – overall grade point average of graduation exams; MAS – general grade point average of years of study

The average competition is calculated to hundreds without rounding.

  • Submission of the documents for the participation in the admission contest: July 25 – August 2, 2022
  • The announcement of preliminary results: August 3, 2022
  • Submission of original documents: 4 – 6 August, 2022
  • The announcement of final results: August 8, 2022

Study Programmes

Faculty of Fine Arts and Design

  • 3 years of study (180 ECTS)
    • Technological education (with studies in design)
    • Fine arts (with advanced studies in web design)
    • Animation
    • Game design
  • 4 years of study (240 ECTS)
    • Fine Arts and Technological Education
    • Applied decorative arts (with advanced studies in metal art processing)
    • Interior design (RO/RU)
    • Graphics (RO/RU)
    • Fashion – Clothing design (RO/RU)
    • Painting

Faculty of Philology and History

  • 3 years of study (180 ECTS)
    • Romanian language and literature
  • 4 years of study (240 ECTS)
    • History and English
    • History and Geography
    • Romanian language and literature and English / French / Italian
    • Russian language and literature and English
    • Romanian language and literature and English (Non-Native speakers)
    • History (Humanities)

Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures

  • 3 years of study (180 ECTS)
    • English
    • Translation and interpretation
  • 4 years of study (240 ECTS)
    • English and French
    • English and German
    • English and Italian
    • French and English
    • French and Italian
    • Italian and English
    • German and English

Faculty of Education and Computer Science

  • 3 years of study (180 ECTS)
    • Folk and classical dance
    • Dancesport and modern dance
    • Pedagogy in primary education
    • Preschool pedagogy
  • 4 years of study (240 ECTS)
    • Computer science and mathematics
    • Mathematics and computer science
    • Pedagogy in primary education and English / French
    • Pedagogy in primary education and Preschool pedagogy

Faculty of Psychology and Special Psychopedagogy

  • 3 years of study (180 ECTS)
    • Social assistance
    • Psychology
    • Psychopedagogy
    • Special psychopedagogy

Part-time study programmes

  • 3 years of study (180 ECTS)
    • Fine arts (introduction to web design)
    • Social assistance
    • Technological education
    • History
    • Romanian Language and Literature
    • Russian language and literature
    • Pedagogy in primary education (RO/RU)
    • Preschool pedagogy
    • Psychopedagogy