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Administration representatives from Marie Curie Sklodowska University of Lublin, Poland visited #ICSPU

Poland visited #ICSPU

On February 9, 2023, „Ion Creanga” State Pedagogical University of Chisinau hosted members of the administration from Marie Curie Sklodowska University of Lublin, Poland, Mrs. Dorota Kołodyńska, prof. dr hab., Vice-Rector for Students and Quality of Education and Mr. Taras Bondarenko, International Students Coordinator from Admission Office.

Within the meeting, Mrs. Ludmila Armașu-Canțîr, assoc. prof., dr., Vice Rector for International Relations and Cooperation, underlined the importance of international collaboration with partner universities from all around the world, the impact that the international mobilities and projects make on the continuous development of staff and students and broadening collaboration with higher education institutions from Poland.

Madam Vice-Rector Dorota Kołodyńska emphasized the perfect matching of our programmes, as well as the UMCS readiness for collaborations at the level of faculties, research centers, but also the opportunities for invited professors, Erasmus+ mobilities for staff and students, joint projects in common education and research fields.

Prof. Valentin Constantinov, director of Polish History and Culture Center, showed his interest in the center’s collaboration with UMCS regarding cultural, educational and scientific activities, but also mentioned the wish of realizing new projects to face actual social challenges.  
